My most recent project for the Mission is putting together a version of the Stations of the Cross that I hope will be especially helpful for people on the autism spectrum. As you may recall, I am autistic. I have not found much in the way of devotions and prayers that speaks specifically to the gifts and the challenges faced by people on the spectrum. I have put together these Stations as one little attempt to address this need.
The Stations that I have put together are based on the Scriptural Stations of the Cross that St. John Paul II used on a number of occasions. I wrote the reflections for each station, and adapted prayers with autistic people in mind. People who are not autistic will find some food here as well, I trust.
You can find the Stations here. While you are on the Mission website, feel free to explore further, to learn more about Saint Thorlak, and about the Mission.
Your constructive feedback is most welcome!